Friday night started with a little meet and greet. There I met Stephen, his amazing assistant Terry as well as the rest of the workshop attendees. The attendees were a nice mix of experienced photographers and near beginners, but all with great attitudes about learning and a genuine passion for photography. I so enjoy a good conversation with anyone who's passionate about photography. Once we were all settled, we went through a review of lighting tools, techniques and terminology. While this was a review for me, it was a good way to guage the other attendees knowledge. We finished by reverse engineering several of Stephen's images and reviewing his lighting. We packed up for the night and agreed to meet in the studio at 9:30am for a days worth of hands on.
Saturday morning, once everone arrived, we packed up and headed out to a beautiful location about 10 minutes away. The location turned out to be a large open field with some beautiful tall grasses, some fantastic fall foliage colors and a couple barns/sheds. I quickly identified at least a half a dozen promising "set" locations for shooting. Stephen had male and female models, make up artists and hair stylists on hand as well as enough equipment to set up 3 or 4 seperate concurrent shooting locations powered with with portable generators or with a battery pack.

My first exercise was to balance/overpower the sun. Since it was overcast, we stuck a flash with a CTO gel and aimed it at our location and called that the sun and did all of our lighting around it. We ended up adding in a small softbox and cross lighting our subject. The setup was quite popular with the class and stayed set up pretty much the rest of the morning.

Next, I spied some tall grass with overcast sky in the background and thought that would make a nice challenge. We brought in a small octobox and later a beauty dish on a boom, really close to the model. This allowed us to stop down and turn what would have been a blown out sky into something with some interest and texture.

We spent the rest of the afternoon doing the same sort of thing, in different locations. We'd look at how our model was being styled (makeup, hair, wardrobe) and device lighting setups to best take advantage of this.

Next up was a human marionette behind a curtain with ropes. Lighting that without shadows and the like turned out to be a very fun exercise.

We moved on to hot lights afterward, diffused with scrims and reflectors to bounce light around. We used gobos to force shadows and lighting into specific patterns.
We used window light, with and without reflectors to allow us to shoot wide open and get very shallow DOF portraits.
At the end of the weekend, I have to admit I was beat. 2 full days of shooting, moving lights around, designing schemes and generally flexing our creative muscles but it resulted in some fantastic images, some new knowledge, renewed confidence in my creative thinking and, certainly not least, some amazing contacts with some incredible makeup artists, models and stylists. All this for the price of less than even a cheap lens.
Dana, thanks for the comments on my workshop. It was a pleasure to have you there, and I sincerely hope you got what you wanted out of it. It was a daunting task, and I couldn't have done it without the help of Terry and Mike!
It was a lot of fun meeting everyone, and hopefully we can get together for some informal shooting in the near future. I'm still game on setting up the commercial shoot, setup to strike, and waiting for good weather and the right models and stylists.
Hope to catch up with you soon!
Thanks for the link Dana. I literally waited over a year for Stephen to do this workshop and then was unable to make it.
I appreciate your review and hope I get the opportunity to make it next time.
Dana,I feel so very lucky to have met and worked with you.Your talent,eye and creative intuition complimented and brought my ideas and work to a whole different level.I hope attending the workshop not only was as much fun for you as it was for me,but,just as satisfying! janeen
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