Saturday, February 28, 2009

Portfolio shoot for Janeen Jones and Caitlin

When the incredibly talented Janeen Jones, one of my absolute favorite make up artists, asked me to shoot a concept she was planning I jumped at the chance. She always seems to hit it out of the park when it comes to design and implementation. She specifically designed the look for one of our favorite models, Caitlin Patricia, so we all were looking for portfolio images.

We started out with hair and light makeup. I set up some christmas lights on a background stand, hanging in front of black muslin.

From there, Janeen glues a bunch of gems to Caitlin and we moved to a white muslin background.

My friends studio that I was using has this gorgeous old staircase in the back. I grabbed my Vagabond and a 3 foot softbox and we moved out into the hallway for the next few.

After a hair and wardrobe change, we took over the staircase again.

Lastly, back into the studio in front of black seamless for some wild styling and moods that fit the styling.

A fun shoot with some of my favorite people. And a special thanks to my friend Steve for the big assist with the shoot!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Brown Wedding

Finally getting around to blogging about this wedding. Paula and Tim had a small ceremony in a gazebo outside of the local Eagles club, then held the reception there as well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Vacation Pictures

Recently took a short vacation to Florida to visit some family. While there, of course I took some family photos, but did it strobist style mid day. Your family portraits don't have to be snapshots! Of course, they put up with me carrying my camera around everywhere we go. ;)

My very understanding wife Robyn and stepdaughter Amber.

Amber headshot for a new facebook profile pic.

Amber again

Amber again.