A couple friends of mine decided to run
The Warrior Dash this year. This is a 3+ mile race through the woods, mud, over obstacles, all in the name of fun. To me, it looked more like an excuse to play in the mud. ;) Of course, I brought along my trusty camera and took a few photos along the way. It looked so much like fun, I've decided, I'm doing it next year too!
Of course, for some it's just an excuse to dress up silly;

The massive start (Only 1 wave, they send groups like this off every half hour);

Near the finish, they have to climb this very large wall...

Then comes the mud!

And then the finish...

At least they offer a high powered shower at the end;

Though some didn't use it;

and it ends with a great party;

and a pile of donated footwear that they clean up and send off to some needy folks!